Trial and Appellate Council

While appellate practice is an offshoot of litigation, it is not simply another bite at the apple to have one’s cause heard again if the result is unsatisfactory. Nor is it simply a means to “rubber stamp” a successful outcome. Appeals and other methods of invoking the supervisory authority of higher courts are subject to strict rules and procedures and involve specialized standards of review. Failure to properly follow intricate technicalities or failure to properly preserve error for appellate review can result in draconian consequences. Our attorneys have extensive experience with appellate work in state and federal courts and administrative proceedings. They appreciate that the foundation of successful post-trial practice begins even before the trial itself begins and continues throughout the hierarchy of reviewing courts. In the end, it is about more than just being right; it is about maintaining the right to be right. Barry Rome & Scott is here to take you all the way through this complex process.

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