
The U.S. Gulf Coast is an epicenter of maritime commerce, with the Gulf of Mexico, the Mississippi River, and a vast network of rivers, intercostal canals and other waterways providing the life’s blood of domestic and international trade, as well as the foundation for a world-leading energy exploration and production industry. However, with these opportunities come unique legal challenges presented by the application of the general maritime law, federal statutes, complex regulatory schemes, and even international treaties to issues arising on or near navigable waters. When things happen in the maritime world, they happen quickly, and having at hand experienced, seasoned attorneys who know both the law and business of the sea is of paramount importance to gather evidence and protect legal rights. Our crew has acted on behalf of a broad spectrum of marine interests for decades and members have handled routine to cutting-edge cases in courts and other tribunals across the Gulf South.

The firm also regularly provides advice and support to lawyers and solicitors from other jurisdictions in aid of foreign litigation and arbitration proceedings, including such matters as vessel seizures, marine investigations, provisional and conservatory processes, opinions on U.S. law and other actions needed to give clients a global full-service picture. Our attorneys have similarly enjoyed many opportunities to act as local counsel and members of national teams litigating cases within our own jurisdictions. Barry Rome & Scott is proud to be both a leader and true team player as the clients’ needs require.

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New Orleans Office

Lafayette Office


Local office in New Orleans and Lafayette

New Orleans

612 Gravier Street New Orleans, LA 70130 Phone: (504) 525-5553 Fax: (504) 525-1909

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405 West Main Street Lafayette, LA 70501 Phone (337) 237-2889 Fax (337) 237-2876

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